Monday, November 7, 2011

Final Paper

Clarissa Campos
Ms. Jaegar
World Geography (Section 3)
8 November 2011

Life in the Slums: World Problem

In the near future by 2030, about a fourth of the World’s estimated 8.1 billion will end up living in slums. The rapid growing population the world is expecting in the future will cause an expeditious growth in slums. A slum is a run-down area of a city characterized by poor housing and lack of security. The existence of slums affect human populations around the world by being enormously populated, unhygienic, and having a lack of resources that meet human needs. One-way slums are utterly inhabitable is the fact that there is not enough space causing slums to be overly populated.
            Undoubtedly, slums contain so much people that the percentage is rising 7 billion by the decade. Nil Blythe states, “Mumbai – according to the UN – has a population of 19 million. And the UN forecasts that total will rise to more than 26 million by 2025.” (Blythe 3) Slums are enclosed with people crowded together unable to travel around. Slums rising population can cause many future problems to the human population. Even though a vast population leads to fewer resources, it also leads to an unhygienic lifestyle.
            In addition, slums are very unsanitary usually obtaining dangerous chemicals and litter, which can cause sickness or death. Sheri Fink states, “The foul river carries not just sewage, but also chemicals from farming estates outside the slum. It’s littered with refuse, too: plastic bags, glass bottles.” (Fink 2) Due to the filthy unhygienic lifestyle of these disadvantaged people are living in many people soon die of sickly diseases Slums are unsanitary because of many different reasons varying from grimy sewage rivers to “flying toilets.” While slums are unsanitary, they also lack the resources that meet human needs.
            As the last point, slums lack resources that meet human needs due to the massive overpopulating of slums. Sheri Fink states, “They make toys out of simple objects: A string of audiotape tied to a stick. A plastic hanger passed back and forth through a wooden gate.” (Fink 2) Based on this quote it shows life in slums and the simple resources that do not meet human standards. Slums have very few resources that help people live their life like everybody else in the world. Through all of these problems, the existences of slums affect human populations.
            Lastly, in the near future by 2030 about a fourth of the World’s estimated 8.1 billion will end up living in slums. In conclusion, the existence of slums affect human populations around the world by being enormously populated, unhygienic, and having a lack of resources that meet human needs. With more population, the forceful request for resources becomes greater, creating more unsanitary litter and pollution to the environment. The earth can only take so much population, pollution, and resources soon there might be nothing left to depend on.

Works Cited

Blythe, Nils. “Mumbai’s slum life poses world problems.” BBC News Online. 29 Sept 2011.                  <>.
Eaves, Elisabeth. “Two Billion Slum Dwellers.” 6 Nov. 2006. 29 Sept. 2011.             <>.
Fink, Sheri. “Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums (Kenya).” Public Radio International: The World. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.
“Urbanization.” World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Introduction Paragraph

Slums are crowded places that are unsanitary, and have crowded houses. Slums are run-down areas with no security. Slums are run-down areas with low sanitation, high population, and no security. They have 6-8 people packed in houses very tightly crowded together.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I. Introduction
A. Slums are crowed places that are unsanitary, and have crowed houses.
B. Slums are run-down areas with no security they are run down areas. 
C. Slums are run-down areas with low sanitation, high population, and no security.
D.They have people packed in houses very crowded.

II. Defendable Point #1
A. Slums are run-down areas with low sanitation, high population, and no security.
B. Slums do not have any sanitation.
i. Slums do not have proper medicine, water, and have unhealthy things.

ii. Slums are unsanitary because of unproper water, medicine, and the water is very dirty.
C. Slums do not have safe foods.
D. Slums are very unhealthy and dirty.
III. Defendable Point #2
A. Slums are run-down areas with low sanitation, high population, and no security.
B.Slums have high population because in some homes 6 to 8 people are crowded into a home.
i. A lot of people live in 1 home because they do not have enough money to buy their own house.
ii. Slums are high populated because people in slums are very poor.

C. Slums are also very populated because they come into this lifestyle of not having any money, they don't want to have this lifestyle they just do and have no choice.
D. Slums are very populated also due to no security.
IV. Defendable Point #3
A. Slums are run-down areas that have low sanitation, high population, and no security.
B. Slums have no security at all people are not very properly secure.
i. Slums have no security girls are sold into the world of sex slaves.
ii. Sex slaves are very bad things to do.
C. To be sold into that world  of having no security because people don't care about other people.
D. Slums have no security because of the lack of care.
V. Conclusion
A. Slums are very bad places to live in.
B. Slums are run-down areas that have low sanitation, high population, and no security.
C. People are scared of slums are want to destroy them to make newer homes.
D. They want to destroy slums but can't  because of the high population that lives there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thesis Statement

"What are slums and how does the existence of slums affect human populations around the world?"

Slums are run down area of a city characterized by poor housing, lack of security, and over crowding. Slums have a negative effect on humans due to poor security, limited sanitation, and improper housing.